Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic change in the complex of vertebrae, intervertebral discs and joints. Develops as a result of metabolic disorders in the cartilage and bone tissues of the vertebrae and discs. In simple words, with chondrosis and osteochondrosis, the discs and adjacent bone structures wear out over time, compensating for the changes by the marginal growth of tissues and their compaction. In case of chondrosis - only the disc cartilage itself, and in case of osteochondrosis - the vertebral bodies adjacent to it. This is a very common disease. According to WHO statistics, up to 80% of the world's inhabitants suffer from it. Doctors note that most often it occurs due to increased stress on the spine - excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.
What to do with osteochondrosis and where to go if you suspect the disease, neurologist Igor Matsokin and exercise therapy specialist Oksana Ivanova tell.
According to the ICD-10 classification, spinal osteochondrosis has code M42. It includes:
- M42. 0 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine Calve's disease, Scheuermann's disease
Excludes: positional kyphosis (M40. 0)
- M42. 1 Osteochondrosis of the spine in adults
- M42. 9 Spinal osteochondrosis, unspecified
Depending on the location, there are several types:
The cervical spine experiences a high load and a fairly complex range of motion.
A feeling of crunching and clicking in the neck when turning the head from side to side, stiffness when moving. You may feel a headache (tension headache), an aching sensation in the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Constantly tense muscles can cause numbness and tingling in the hands.
The main focus of treatment is on restoration, relief of spasms and inflammation, and restoration of range of motion.
The thoracic region is less mobile than the rest of the body in which osteochondrosis occurs. Therefore it rarely appears.
Symptoms: pain in the chest muscles, often worsens with static load.
Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint occurs due to injury, stretching of tendons and muscles. Most often occurs when there is excessive load on the shoulder in athletes and loaders. But it can also develop in the complex of cervical osteochondrosis.
There is pain and restrictions when moving the joints.
With osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral discs are destroyed. It happens that not one part of the spine is affected, but two or more. For example, in both the lumbar and cervical regions. This is called polysegmental or widespread osteochondrosis of the spine.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is common. The spine in the lumbosacral region experiences the greatest stress.
- pain in the lower back, legs
- pain when bending, turning - stiffness in movements in the back
With osteochondrosis of the hip joint, the pain is not severe, but it is important to consult a doctor immediately so that surgical intervention is not required.
Disease of the knee joint. The cartilage that ensures unhindered gliding and movement of the joint is destroyed and cannot be restored. Fibrous cartilage forms, causing pain and stiffness in the leg. It is pain and limitation of movement in the knee that are the main reasons for visiting a doctor and making a diagnosis.
The disease manifests itself in children, most often between the ages of 10 and 18 years. Degenerative changes occur in the spine, affecting ligaments, joints, intervertebral discs and bones. Juvenile osteochondrosis progresses rapidly, but at the initial stage it is difficult to detect because there is no limitation of mobility. Only in the morning does one feel some discomfort after sleep.
The disease occurs when there is a metabolic disorder. As we age, our cartilage tissue wears out. Lack of water, microelements and amino acids reduces the elasticity of intervertebral discs. Salt deposits are a consequence of osteochondrosis. The cause of pain is often irritation (or irritation) of the nerve roots.
The disease affects athletes who place high stress on their backs, such as weightlifters. The risk increases after spinal column injuries. Osteochondrosis often occurs in schoolchildren who sit for a long time, bending over their desks, and in drivers. Which factor will cause the disease depends on lifestyle.
For osteochondrosis, there are 4 degrees (stages):
- 1st degree - chondrosis. There is already pain
- 2nd degree - instability. The affected vertebral disc is displaced in relation to the lower one, which causes acute pain.
- 3rd degree – formation of intervertebral hernias. They compress nerve fibers and blood vessels.
- Grade 4—fibrosis of the intervertebral disc. Osteophytes may appear. These are bone growths with which the body tries to restore supporting function.
When to do prevention
Better late than never. If you are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle, the sooner you start making changes, the more you will invest in your health.
How the disease can manifest itself in different departments:
- back hurts
- coldness and numbness of the hands and feet
- headaches
- restriction of movements
It is important not to confuse these signs with other diseases. Symptoms may be similar, for example, with osteochondrosis of the chest and diseases of the cardiovascular system. For accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment, you need to consult with a neurologist or therapist to receive a referral to a specialist.
Pain is the main problem of osteochondrosis, which is difficult to get rid of. In addition, not only the spinal disc or joint itself hurts - the pain radiates further throughout the body. And it happens that the pain of thoracic osteochondrosis radiates to the heart, so the sensations are easily confused with heart disease.
How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis:
- With cardiac problems, a burning sensation occurs in the chest, which can radiate to the arm or neck. Painful sensations appear suddenly and last no more than 30 minutes. The temperature rises, dizziness and chills appear. Accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath.
- Pain with osteochondrosis can be different: pressing, shooting. As a rule, it is moderate in nature. Not accompanied by shortness of breath and changes in blood pressure and pulse. It has a shingles nature, can last for several days, or can go away instantly.
Whether a headache can occur depends on the source of the disease. Headache occurs as a consequence of overstrain of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the neck, the impact of muscles on the channels for the passage of painful cutaneous branches of the trigeminal nerve, and the impact on the trunks of the autonomic regulation of vascular tone.
Dizziness and noise in the head
Feelings of dizziness and noise in the head with osteochondrosis occur for the same reason as headaches: from muscle overstrain and irritation of certain areas of the autonomic nervous system with a subsequent vascular reaction. It is important to remember that similar sensations in the ears can be signs of other diseases.
Lump in throat
A lump in the throat with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a common symptom. This is due to the fact that the inflamed tissue increases in volume. A person may feel a tickling sensation, throbbing in the neck, and even suffocation. It feels like something is stuck in the throat, especially when swallowing. Such discomfort often forces you to consult a doctor. But this is not always osteochondrosis; it is important to exclude other pathologies, for example, an enlarged thyroid gland, chronic pharyngitis. If you feel something similar, it is better to start with an otolaryngologist. He will determine the cause and refer you to another specialist.
Shortness of breath occurs due to pinched vascular bundles. Appears with osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic regions. Due to the pain, it is not possible to take a deep breath; you have to breathe frequently and shallowly. As a result, respiratory functions are impaired, headaches and dizziness occur due to lack of oxygen in the brain. This can lead to serious consequences. If you notice such a symptom, consult your doctor.
Panic attacks
A neurosurgeon at a regional hospital claims that there is a direct connection between panic attacks and osteochondrosis. One of the causes of panic attacks is a sign of a violation in the blood circulation of the brain. And this often happens precisely with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine due to compression of blood vessels and the vertebral artery. Chest pain and shallow breathing can also cause panic due to this condition.
Whether there can be a temperature with osteochondrosis depends on many reasons. It is important to exclude other factors, such as acute respiratory infections.
The disease can affect blood pressure; it is important to avoid such pressure surges.
Clinical guidelines
When diagnosing, conservative therapy is recommended followed by surgery to eliminate the cause of pain. The following drugs are prescribed in clinical guidelines:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories, injections, ointments, gels.
- For acute pain of high intensity, therapeutic blockades are indicated, the main drugs for which are local anesthetics and glucocorticoids.
- Manual therapy, osteopathy, massage.
The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to avoid exacerbations in the future. A common cause is lifting heavy objects, especially with one hand. It is important to distribute the weight evenly and not lift it suddenly. It is advisable not to lift heavy things at all. If exacerbations do occur, medications will come to the rescue.
The treatment is complex, using several methods at once. The main goal is to relieve pain and prevent further degradation of the vertebrae and cartilage.
Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy)
It is the main method of conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Dosed loads for
- nerve root decompression
- correction and strengthening of the muscle corset
- maintaining correct posture and giving the ligamentous-muscular system the necessary flexibility
- prevention of complications
To achieve their goals, patients are recommended to regularly exercise using rehabilitation equipment and perform joint exercises. These exercises improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism and nutrition of the intervertebral discs, help increase the intervertebral space, form a muscle corset and reduce the load on the spine.
However, the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is not limited to exercise therapy. Physiotherapy based on the use of physical factors:
- low frequency currents
- magnetic fields
- ultrasound and laser
Application of physiotherapy
It allows you to speed up the treatment of many diseases, increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and reduce its dosage, as well as avoid side effects typical of drugs.
Effectively relieves muscle tension and pain, improves blood circulation and has a general strengthening effect.
Manual therapy
The doctor’s individual impact on the musculoskeletal system to relieve acute and chronic pain in the spine and joints, as well as to increase range of motion and correct posture.
Various therapeutic techniques and methods of influencing reflexogenic zones of the body and acupuncture points. The use of reflexology in combination with other treatment methods significantly increases their effectiveness.
Drug therapy
Indicated during the period of exacerbation of the disease and is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating the inflammatory process and enhancing metabolic processes. Medicines can be taken intramuscularly or intravenously.
It is important to note that although each of the listed methods is highly effective, the greatest therapeutic effect can only be achieved when they are combined with exercises using rehabilitation equipment. This allows you to create a full-fledged muscle corset and ensure lasting treatment results. How to treat each type of osteochondrosis depends on its location and the causes of its appearance.
Treatment at home
At home, you can and should continue treatment, according to your doctor’s recommendations. First of all, watch your diet and do exercises at home. If you want to add folk remedies or decoctions to your treatment, consult your doctor to see if their combination with medications is safe.
Most medications for osteochondrosis are aimed at relieving pain:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and nimesulide. And not only in the form of tablets, but also ointments and gels. It is important to take tablets in courses and not systematically because of their effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
- Opioid analgesics (glucocorticoids) are prescribed by a doctor for severe pain if NSAIDs do not help relieve pain.
- Anticonvulsants or antidepressants are needed for neuropathic pain.
- vasodilators to avoid oxygen starvation.
- chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis - drugs to improve the functions of cartilage and joints.
- muscle relaxants help relieve pain from excessive muscle tension.
Applicators for osteochondrosis are a popular addition to treatment. It affects nerve impulses and improves blood flow, helping to relieve swelling. I mainly use two types of applicators:
- Kuznetsov applicator - mat with plastic spikes
- Lyapko applicator - covered with needles and alloys of different metals.
They can be used only after the permission of the attending physician.
A neck collar (or bandage) helps with cervical osteochondrosis to relax the neck muscles and reduce the load on it. As a result, pain goes away and blood flow to the brain improves. Bandages come in different sizes and stiffnesses, therefore, if you have neck pain, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out the cause. If it is osteochondrosis and you have no contraindications, your doctor will tell you which product is best for you.
Darsonval is a medical device that produces current in the form of a pulsed damped discharge. It has a very wide spectrum of action, from dermatological problems to gastrointestinal disorders. Darsonval improves tissue permeability and improves local blood circulation. Due to this, the medicine penetrates faster and deeper, and the muscles relax and spasms go away.
Droppers for osteochondrosis help to quickly relieve pain. They are prescribed in cases where other drugs are contraindicated. This happens, for example, in people with intolerance to the components of NSAID tablets.
The corset is used for osteochondrosis to fix the spine. This helps relieve tension and prevent displacement of the vertebrae. You can use it after consulting a doctor.
Pain in the spine and joints can be relieved with pain relief patches. They are convenient to use when it is not possible to apply ointment or cream, because they stain clothes.
Injections help quickly relieve pain during an exacerbation. It is effective and fast acting. It is important to continue to take care of your body and, even if you improve, follow your doctor’s recommendations and do exercises. Injections are also a quick and effective way to deliver nutrients to the intervertebral discs.
What to inject for osteochondrosis:
- chondroprotectors
- antispasmodics
- vitamins
The choice depends on the course of the disease, the presence of pain and the recommendations of the attending physician.
- Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the restoration of the bone structures of the spine.
- Vitamins A, E, C contribute to the production of collagen and other tissues necessary for joints.
- The medical journal talks about B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin), which have an analgesic effect in cervical osteochondrosis. Thanks to this, you can reduce the intake of painkillers.
Orthopedic pillows
Orthopedic sleeping pillows will not replace treatment, but sleeping with them will be much more comfortable. Pillows come in different shapes and from different materials. For example:
- a rectangular pillow or one with a cushion is well suited for people with any type of osteochondrosis
- crescent shape for neck and shoulder pain
- a pillow with a recess in the middle or a recess for the shoulder will help people with cervical osteochondrosis maintain proper blood circulation in any position during sleep. Optimal for the neck and its natural position.
It is also important to take into account not only the form of osteochondrosis, but also in what position a person prefers to sleep. A neurologist will tell you which pillow to choose correctly, after analyzing your sleep preferences and the characteristics of the course of the disease.
Therapeutic massage can be done for osteochondrosis only in a state of remission. It will help improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, flexibility of the spine and muscles. Proper massage slows down or even stops the spread of the disease. But it is not always possible to visit a massage specialist. Special devices will come to the rescue, such as electric massagers for the back and neck. They are especially effective in the initial stages of cervical osteochondrosis. The main thing is to use it correctly and consult a doctor.
There is no special diet for osteochondrosis. The most important thing is to maintain a healthy weight. If you have extra pounds, you should discuss weight loss methods with your doctor and understand the reasons for your high weight.
What does a balanced diet mean:
- protein
- healthy saturated fats
- complex carbohydrates
- fruits and vegetables
It is also important to monitor the amount of salt you consume. It promotes fluid retention in the body.
Special ones with a therapeutic effect stand apart, for example, after surgery to remove a hernia of the spine.
Moreover, these are quite simple exercises even for an unprepared person. For example, "first aid" for relieving tension in the neck:
Take the correct knee-elbow position (without bending your lower back). Slowly push the floor away from you with your hands, and then "fall" with your back between your shoulder blades. No need to do push-ups. Hands remain in one position. It is the thoracic region that works up and down.
Gymnastics to improve thoracic mobility:
Lying on your back, bend your knees, arms to the sides, just below your shoulders. Touch the hand of one hand to the hand of the other. With a glance, "following" the hand. The shoulder may lift off the floor. Perform slowly for a minute.
You can relieve discomfort in the cervical region and shoulders and improve them using a double massage roller:
Stand with your back to the wall, place the roller between your shoulder blades and press it against the wall, and place your feet a step away from the wall. The roller should not press on the spine, but on the sides of it. Perform half squats at a comfortable amplitude, bending your knees, but without lifting your heels from the floor. The roller should move along the height of the shoulder blades. You can work on the neck area in the same way: fix the roller on your neck, relax your arms and slightly lift your chin. While squatting, move the roller to the base of the skull.
Whether someone with osteochondrosis is accepted into the army depends on the degree of the disease and accurate diagnosis. All documents and certificates must be in order: at least a neurologist’s report and radiography. Otherwise, after a medical examination, a decision on admission to military service is possible.
In what cases are they not taken into the army:
- damage to three or more intervertebral discs
- anatomical changes are visible
- pronounced pain syndrome, including after lifting weights
If there are symptoms and certificates, the young man can receive category B - limited fit for service. This means that he will not be taken into the army, but may be drafted in the event of military training.
It is almost impossible to obtain category D - complete exemption from military service. It is possible, for example, with osteochondropathy kyphosis - the final stage of osteochondrosis.
Question and answer
Acupuncture for osteochondrosis
Acupuncture or acupuncture is used in conjunction with other treatments. It is especially effective in moments of exacerbation of pain syndromes.
The procedure has a number of advantages:
- low risk of allergic reactions
- quick results
- minimal risk of injury
It is important to understand that acupuncture helps relieve pain, but does not cure the disease.
How to sleep correctly with cervical osteochondrosis
There are two optimal positions: lying on your back and on your side.
Sleeping on your back is optimal for relaxing your body. For proper weight distribution, it is recommended to place a small cushion under your knees.
In the side position, the neck muscles relax, the load on the spine is reduced, and the blood circulation process is not disturbed.
It is important to choose the right pillow depending on the position you prefer.
Is it possible to take a steam bath with osteochondrosis?
Most often, a bath is not a contraindication. On the contrary, due to high temperature, blood flow improves and symptoms are relieved.
In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the bath is contraindicated. If blood flow increases at the site of inflammation, it will cause complications.
Is it possible to play sports with osteochondrosis?
Moderate loads are not only allowed, but also necessary for osteochondrosis. But there are exceptions:
- professional sports
- dangerous sport
- sport with weight lifting
Is it possible to warm the neck with cervical osteochondrosis?
You should not warm your neck to relieve pain. This way, blood will begin to flow even more to the inflammation and it will intensify.
What not to do with osteochondrosis
- lift weights, including in the gym
- make sudden movements, such as when playing sports
- sleep on a mattress that is too soft or a pillow that is too high
- abuse high-calorie foods, coffee, alcohol
- take a bent position for a very long time, for example when cleaning or in the garden
- wear high heels
Yoga for osteochondrosis
Yoga is an excellent option for physical activity for osteochondrosis. There are no sudden movements or heavy objects. Yoga not only removes symptoms, but also fights the cause of the disease. In rare cases, yoga is contraindicated, so you should still discuss it with your doctor.
Osteochondrosis is a serious condition that can be prevented. To do this, you need to monitor your diet and physical activity.